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We are the people...

California MAGA men and women work together to further the public’s understanding of Agenda 47. We strive to help Americans better understand how Agenda 47 will positively affect our daily lives and the lives of our communities, counties, state, and nation.

President Trump’s successes in life, business, and now as a politician can be attributed to focusing on clearly stating what the problems are. This is what makes it possible for Donald Trump to create lasting solutions.


California MAGA men and women seek to bring those solutions to our communities in the Golden State.


Vision | Mission

Most Americans are great people. California MAGA members yearn to embrace our nation's founding principles. We work to reconnect with, understand, promote, and live the values expressed in those principles. We offer resources and tools to help others do the same. An America First, MAGA philosophy guides our work. We invite you to join the movement.

Americans know our nation has problems. But too many among us do not know about the solutions found in Donald Trump's Agenda 47. We strive to educate others and inspire them to act so we can bring those solutions into our homes, our neighborhoods, our cities, counties, state, and to our nation.

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Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence expresses the ideals on which the United States was founded and the reasons for separation from Great Britain.

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The Constitution defines the framework of the Federal Government of the United States.

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Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. It defines citizens’ and states’ rights in relation to the Government.

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