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“Past generations of Americans pursued big dreams and daring projects that once seemed absolutely impossible.  Today, our country has lost its boldness. Under my leadership, we will get it back in a very big way. …It is time to start talking about GREATNESS for our country again. I will dramatically increase living standards and build a future that brings our country together through excitement, opportunity, and success.”

Divider Gold Star-Blue Line-No Backgroun
WH_American Energy Dominance-Bad for Bureaucrats-Great for Our Country_47534100052_3f425c3
WH_President Trum-We Have Rejected Globalism and Embraced Patriotism-P20200806SC-1272-1200
Divider Gold Star-Blue Line-No Backgroun

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The drug cartels are waging war on America—and it's now time for America to wage war on the cartels. The drug cartels and their allies in the Biden administration have the blood of countless millions on their hands. Millions and millions of families and people are being destroyed. When I am back in the White House, the drug kingpins and vicious traffickers will never sleep soundly again.

Joe Biden puts illegal aliens before homeless Veterans...The American Veteran is one of our greats. ...We have to take care of them... If you have served this nation in uniform, the Trump administration will never betray you as Joe Biden and the Radical Left Democrats have done. ...We certainly will not be putting illegal alien lawbreakers up in ultimate luxury while American Veterans lay shivering on the sidewalks below. Unlike Biden, our loyalty will not be to illegal aliens who have violated our borders and come into our country illegally. They've trampled our sovereignty. It will be to the brave men and women who enlisted their lives to defend our borders and to protect our sovereignty.

I will stop the outrageous abuse of parole authority. I will reinstate my action making illegals ineligible for public housing. We will terminate all work permits for illegal aliens. And I will demand that Congress send me a bill blocking any future President from abusing his power to distribute welfare benefits in this manner. It's all being paid for by the American taxpayer. Like automatic citizenship for children of illegal aliens, welfare is a gigantic magnet drawing people from all over the world. They want to come to the United States. They want to feast off the sweat and savings of the American taxpayer. It's not fair. It's not just. We're not going to let it happen. I will end it all immediately.

In recent weeks, Americans have been horrified to see students and faculty at Harvard and other once-respected universities expressing support for the savages and jihadists who attacked Israel. We spend more money on higher education than any other country—and yet, they’re turning our students into Communists and terrorist sympathizers.

It’s time to offer something dramatically different…THE AMERICAN ACADEMY.

What's happening to our auto workers is an absolute disgrace and an outrage beyond belief," President Trump said. "Auto workers are getting totally ripped off by Crooked Joe Biden and also their horrendous leadership.

As President, it was my honor to support America’s homeschool families—and to protect the God-given right of every parent to be the steward of their children’s education.

Rather than indoctrinating young people with inappropriate racial, sexual, and political material, which is what we're doing now, our schools must be totally refocused to prepare our children to succeed in the world of work.

As President, I will set a national goal of ensuring that America has the No. 1 lowest cost of energy of any industrial country anywhere on Earth. We will not only match China we will be cheaper than China by a lot. And more energy will mean lower inflation that will mean more jobs.

Our once-great cities have become unlivable, unsanitary nightmares, surrendered to the homeless, the drug addicted, and the violent and dangerously deranged. We are making the many suffer for the whims of a deeply unwell few. For a small fraction of what we spend upon Ukraine, we could take care of every homeless veteran in America. Our veterans are being treated horribly.

As part of my plan to obtain total independence from China, we will phase in tariffs and import restrictions to bring back production of all essential medicines to the United States of America where they belong.

I will urge Congress to ensure that anyone caught trafficki9ng children across our border receives the death penalty immediately. Under my leadership, we did more than any administration in history to combat human trafficking and to end modern day slavery. In one of my first acts in office, I signed an executive order targeting transnational criminal organizations that traffic and exploit innocent people. I signed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act, authorizing $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking.

Joe Biden is waging war on the U.S. auto-industry with a series of crippling mandates designed to force Americans into expensive electric cars, even as thousands of electric cars are piling up on car lots all unsold. This ridiculous Green New Deal crusade is causing car prices to skyrocket while setting the stage for the destruction of American auto production.

I will ask Europe to reimburse us for the cost of rebuilding the stockpiles sent to Ukraine… we've spent almost $200 billion in helping Ukraine and Europe has spent just a tiny fraction of that amount. Less than three years ago, I'd fully rebuilt the United States military and steered America into such a strong global position. That peace was breaking out all over the world, we had peace through strength. Twenty-nine months later, the arsenals are empty, the stockpiles are bare, the Treasury is drained, the ranks are being hollowed out, our country has been totally humiliated, and we have a corrupt, compromised President crooked Joe Biden, who is dragging us into World War III.

For many years, tuition costs at colleges and universities have been exploding, and I mean absolutely exploding while academics have been obsessed with indoctrinating America's youth. The time has come to reclaim our once great educational institutions from the radical Left, and we will do that.

Under my policy, the United States government will tell Big Pharma that we will only pay the best price they offer to foreign nations, who have been taking advantage of us for so long— the United States is tired of getting ripped off.

Under the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, other countries will have two choices—they’ll get rid of their tariffs on us, or they will pay us hundreds of billions of dollars, and the United States will make an absolute FORTUNE.

I will use the president’s long-recognized Impoundment Power to squeeze the bloated federal bureaucracy for massive savings. This will be in the form of tax reductions for you. This will help quickly to stop inflation and slash the deficit.

Too often, our public health establishment is too close to Big Pharma—they make a lot of money, Big Pharma—big corporations, and other special interests, and does not want to ask the tough questions about what is happening to our children’s health.

We will not rest until we have ended the drug addiction crisis. For three decades before my election, drug overdose deaths increased every single year. Under my leadership, we took the drug and fentanyl crisis head on, and we achieved the first reduction in overdose deaths in more than thirty years.

Three years from now, the United States will celebrate the biggest and most important milestone in our country’s history -- 250 years of American Independence. That’s why as a nation, we should be preparing for the most spectacular birthday party. We want to make it the best of all time.

As part of my plan to secure the border, on Day One of my new term in office, I will sign an executive order making clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law, going forward, the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship.

For many years, tuition costs at colleges and universities have been exploding, and I mean absolutely exploding while academics have been obsessed with indoctrinating America's youth. The time has come to reclaim our once great educational institutions from the radical Left, and we will do that.

For a small fraction of what we spend upon Ukraine, we could take care of every homeless veteran in America. Our veterans are being treated horribly.

No longer will unelected members of the Washington Swamp be allowed to act as the fourth branch of our Republic.

If we cannot restore the fair and impartial rule of law, we will not be a free country.

Ending the Deep State, rogue bureaucrats and career politicians, and government corruption. President Trump lays out a ten-point plan to dismantle the deep state and reclaim democracy from Washington corruption. “I will shatter the Deep State, and restore government that is controlled by the People.

The woke left is waging full scale war on the suburbs, and their Marxist crusade is coming for your neighborhood, your tax dollars, your public safety, and your home. When I get back into the Oval Office, one of my first acts will be to repeal Joe Biden's radical left attack on the suburban lifestyle.

We're seeing bank failures that nobody believed even possible just two years ago. There should be no bailouts. But we need to get this economy straightened out as fast as possible. We're headed down a very dangerous path. When I'm back in the White House, I will immediately unleash energy production, slash regulations, like I did just three years ago, and repeal Biden's tax hikes to get inflation down as fast as possible, and it will go quickly, so that interest rates can get back under control. I built the greatest economy in the history of the world.

Every day this proxy battle in Ukraine continues, we risk global war. We must be absolutely clear that our objective is to IMMEDIATELY have a total cessation of hostilities. All shooting has to stop. This is the central issue. We need PEACE without delay. There must also be a complete commitment to dismantling the entire globalist neo-con establishment that is perpetually dragging us into endless wars, pretending to fight for freedom and democracy abroad, while they turn us into a third-world country and a third-world dictatorship right here at home. The State Department, the defense bureaucracy, the intelligence services, and all the rest need to be completely overhauled and reconstituted to fire the Deep Staters and put America First.

Past generations of Americans pursued big dreams and daring projects that once seemed absolutely impossible. Today, our country has lost its boldness. Under my leadership, we will get it back in a very big way. Our objective will be a quantum leap in the American Standard of Living. It is time to start talking about GREATNESS for our country again. I will dramatically increase living standards and build a future that brings our country together through excitement, opportunity, and success.

Biden is weaponizing every tool of government power to push this racism and this Communism and Marxism. I will instruct the Department of Justice to make clear that any such discrimination is completely and totally illegal, and to investigate the unlawful domination and discrimination and civil right abuses carried out by the Biden administration. All staff, offices, and initiatives connected to Biden’s un-American policy will be immediately terminated. President Trump will create a team to review and reverse actions under Biden's “equity” agenda and request Congress to establish a restitution fund for those unjustly discriminated against by these destructive policies.

Joe Biden has America on a path to subservience and economic ruin and everybody knows it, and other countries are laughing at us. Under my leadership, we will end his gigantic job-killing trade deficits, reclaim our independence, and launch a great economic boom.

Biden's pro-China economic program puts America last and it's killing our country. My cutting-edge trade agenda will revitalize our economy by once again putting America first. We will quickly become a manufacturing powerhouse like the world has never seen before. The Biden agenda taxes America to build up China. My agenda will tax China to build up America.

The rule we issued under my leadership was the first ESG ban anywhere in the world. And I'm delighted that Republicans in Congress and across the country have been waking up to this threat and following my lead. Unfortunately, Joe Biden gutted my ESG rule and now his Department of Labor has declared that fund managers can play politics with our seniors’ hard-earned savings. Biden has already crushed your 401Ks. When I'm back in the White House, I will sign an executive order and, with Congress’ support, a law to keep politics away from America's retirement accounts forever.

For decades, we’ve had the very same people, such as Victoria Nuland and many others just like her, obsessed with pushing Ukraine toward NATO, not to mention the State Department’s support for uprisings in Ukraine. These people have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the case in Iraq and other parts of the world, and now, we’re teetering on the brink of World War III. And a lot of people don’t see it, but I see it, and I’ve been right about a lot of things. Take a look at the globalist warmonger donors backing our opponents. That’s because they’re candidates of war. I am the President who delivers peace, and it’s peace through strength. There was a reason we had no conflict, there was a reason we didn’t get into wars, because other countries respected us.

Joe Biden and the ‘Defund the Police’ Democrats have turned our once great cities into cesspools of bloodshed and crime. (President Trump unveils a seven-step solution.)

Joe Biden's war on American energy is one of the key drivers of the worst inflation in 58 years, and it's hitting every single American family very, very hard. Biden reversed every action I took that achieved energy independence and soon we were going to be energy dominant all over the world. When I am back in the White House, I will bring back a pro-American energy policy at long last. This great undertaking will also help restore hope and aspiration to America's young people, instead of being irrationally terrified by political predictions of climate apocalypse. Instead of toiling, for low wages or left-wing make-work projects, I have a vision that will give young Americans a chance to find real meaning and work once again, like we had it two and a half years ago, building the backbone of America that is powerful, prosperous, productive, vigorous, modern, independent, and free.

As President, I took the most dramatic action of any administration to curtail China’s ability to conduct espionage in the United States. And when I’m back in the White House, those efforts will be expanded in a very, very big way. Instead of hunting down Republicans, a reformed FBI and Justice Department will be hunting down Chinese spies.

Under Joe Biden, the world has become vastly more dangerous—and there is no greater danger than the deadly menace of nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles. Hypersonic missiles move at many times the speed of sound, and six times faster than current missiles. Armed with nuclear weapons, they could annihilate entire cities and even countries within minutes—and we cannot let this happen.

If I were president, the Russia-Ukraine War would never have happened. Never in a million years. But even now, if I were president, I’d be able to negotiate an end to this horrible and rapidly escalating war in 24 hours. Joe Biden is doing what he said 10 months ago would cause World War III, sending American tanks into Ukraine. Such a tragic waste of human life when you look at all that’s happening there. Those cities are obliterated. First, come the nukes. Then, come the tanks. When I’m president, we will be a strong country again. People will never be playing these games like they’ve been doing to the United States of America. They don’t respect us anymore. They respected us greatly two and a half years ago. They don’t respect us anymore.

The left-wing gender insanity being pushed on our children is an act of child abuse, very simple. Here is my plan to stop the chemical, physical, and emotional mutilation of our youth. On Day One, I will revoke Joe Biden’s cruel policies on so-called “gender affirming care”—ridiculous—a process that includes giving kids puberty blockers, mutating their physical appearance, and ultimately performing surgery on minor children. Can you believe this? I will sign a new executive order instructing every federal agency to cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age. I will then ask Congress to permanently stop federal taxpayer dollars from being used to promote or pay for these procedures, and pass a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. It’ll go very quickly.

Our public schools have been taken over by the Radical Left maniacs. Here is my plan to save American education and restore power to American parents. First, we will cut federal funding for any school or program pushing Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto our children. We are not going to allow it to happen.

Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security to help pay for Joe Biden’s reckless spending spree, which is more reckless than anybody has ever done or had in the history of our country. Biden has blown out the federal budget, wasted trillions on left-wing lunacy and the ridiculous Green New Deal, which is a tremendous problem and embarrassment to us, and thrown open our Treasury and our borders to migrants from all over the world. In fact, migrants that are coming from prisons and migrants that are coming from mental institutions are being drooped into the United States and we do nothing about it. I had the safest border in the history of our country just two years ago. And now we have probably the worst border in the history of the world. I don’t think any country has had anything like we have right now. While we absolutely need to stop Biden’s out-of-control spending, the pain should be borne by Washington bureaucrats, not by hardworking American families and American seniors. The seniors are being absolutely destroyed in the last two years.

To protect our country, we need to enact aggressive new restrictions on Chinese ownership of any vital infrastructure in the United States, including energy, technology, telecommunications, farmland, natural resources, medical supplies, and other strategic national assets. When I'm president, I will ensure that America's future remains firmly in American hands just as I did when I was president before.

The now-famous “Twitter Files” have proven beyond all doubt that the corrupt officials at the FBI have been coordinating a massive censorship, surveillance, and propaganda campaign against the American People, and frankly against me. In the most recent and notorious example, the FBI worked to stop the truth from being told about the Biden Family’s criminality —they worked so hard to stop it from coming out — and the corruption prior to the 2020 election. They didn’t want any bad information to come out about the Biden family. The fix was in, the election was rigged.

The drug cartels are waging war on America—and it's now time for America to wage war on the cartels. The drug cartels and their allies in the Biden administration have the blood of countless millions on their hands. Millions and millions of families and people are being destroyed. When I am back in the White House, the drug kingpins and vicious traffickers will never sleep soundly again.

The most important reform needed right now is a total ban on Biden using taxpayer dollars to free illegal aliens — and criminal penalties for administrative noncompliance, which happens every single minute of every single day.

If we don’t have FREE SPEECH, then we just don’t have a FREE COUNTRY. It’s as simple as that. If this most fundamental right is allowed to perish, then the rest of our rights and liberties will topple just like dominos one by one. They’ll go down. That’s why today, I am announcing my plan to shatter the left-wing censorship regime, and to reclaim the right to Free Speech for all Americans.

© 2023 by California MAGA Americans, men and women who believe in America First and who support Donald J. Trump's Agenda 47.

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